Frequently Asked Questions and Basic Information
We appreciate your interest in our mission to save lives of adoptable animals. If your question has not been answered in the FAQ, please feel free to Contact Us. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Click the most commonly asked questions below to see the answers.
Who is the Schuyler County Humane Society?
Schuyler County Humane Society (SCHS) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit, animal shelter located in Rushville, Illinois. Our organization was founded in 2002, and the shelter opened in October 2014. SCHS is operated by a dedicated and caring all-volunteer staff with no paid employees. SCHS is a fully independent entity and not affiliated with any local or national organizations.
The purpose of SCHS is to provide for the well-being of the animals in the Schuyler County and the surrounding area by: educating the community about responsible pet ownership and the humane care and treatment of animals; seeking to return lost animals to their owner; providing pet adoptions, placement and referral services; and helping to relieve suffering among animals.
Where do your dogs & cats come from?
Our adoptable pets come from a variety of circumstances. Some are owner relinquishments, others could have been found as strays. SCHS even helps other area open intakes shelters (kill shelters) by taking in their pets when they don’t have the resources available to hold them until their forever home happens.
We at times get pets in from horrible situations, but not always and not often. For the most part our adoptable pets are well socialized and just find themselves in need of a home.
What happens to the pets brought to SCHS?
All adoptable pets are held for 7 days upon intake, this is the time required by the state and allows us to ensure they are medically safe to introduce to the general population at the shelter. This also gives the rightful owners a change to reclaim a lost pet.
During this time we look for indicators that would tell us what kind of home they would best fit into. We also look for behavioral and temperament problems and begin the work to address those issues.
Rarely (now that we have a physical shelter) do we transport adoptable pets out. There are times that a dog’s best chance could lay with a different shelter or breed specific rescue. In those cases we happily send the pet on knowing they will be adopted. We never transport to any kill shelters.
What is your adoption process like?
As soon as your application has been reviewed, one of our volunteers will reach you for a phone interview (very informal) and check your veterinarian reference. Then we will be ready to finalize the process with the adoption contract, adoption fees and send you home with your new best friend.
We are dedicated to making the adoption process a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Let us match you with a loving cat or dog today.
How long will the adoption process take?
At SCHS we know your time is valuable, we try to the best of our abilities to make the process of adopting one of our wonderful pets quick. We never allow same day adoptions as we will have to check with your current Veterinarian and Landlord if need be. We aim at decision being made within 7 days after you make an application for a pet.
Please bear in mind we are solely operated by volunteers who all hold their own jobs and donate time as they can.
What is the adoption fee?
Dogs and Puppies are $160.00
Cats and Kittens are $60.00
What do adoption fees include?
All dogs up for adoption are spayed or neutered and are heartworm tested and will be up-to-date on Distemper/Parvo, Kennel Cough and Rabies vaccinations. We also treat for worms and ear mites as well as flea and tick preventative. An adoption donation of $160.00 covers a small portion of getting the dogs and puppies ready for adoption.
A donation of $60.00 is required on all cat adoptions. This donation covers a small percentage of the costs associated with getting the pet spayed or neutered, microchipped, vaccinated for rabies and four-way distemper, wormed, tested for FIV and FeLV.
Can I make a donation?
We can accept donations online or
To mail a donation please use:
PO BOX 432
Rushville, Illinois 62681
Items often needed at the shelter:
Multi cat scoopable litter, dawn dish soap, windex, laundry detergent, bleach, trash bags, and paper towels. Our animals enjoy having toys, nylabones and treats. Our office could always use stamps, reams of paper, white duct tape and permanent markers.
What services and activities are available at SCHS?
We offer a low cost spay and neuter clinic each month.
We also offer bi-annually dog training classes.
We happily welcome and encourage groups to tour the shelter and learn about humane treatment of animals.
Can I run a fundraiser to benefit SCHS?
Absolutely, please feel free to contact our Fundraising Chair, Janet Mihalovic 217-322-3500 or 217-322-7354.
What is a NO KILL (closed or limited intake) Shelter?
We are a "closed door" or "limited intake" shelter also referred to as a no kill shelter. It is simple, when we become full, we stop intake until we adopt enough animals to generate more room. We simply cannot and will not overpopulate the shelter. No one wants to euthanize healthy, adoptable pets to simply make room for that days additions.
Who is on your Board of Directors?
Angie Langner: President /Adoption Coordinator
Richard C. Teel: Chief Financial Officer
Janet A. Mihalovic: Vice President
Stacy A. Adams D.V.M.: Veterinarian Animal Issues Advisor
Tammy Thomas: Treasurer
Amanda Higgins: Member at Large
Michelle Carty: Fundraising Chairman
Sharon H. Mann: Recording Secretary
Rich Fishel: Grant Writer
Wendy L. Stevens: Director of Media/ Corresponding Secretary/Membership Chair